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Randomized Clinical Trial Compares Feeding of Donor Human Milk and Preterm Formula to Extremely Preterm Infants

Tarah Colaizy, MD, MPH, a neonatologist at University of Iowa Health Care Stead Family Children’s Hospital, co-authored an article in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). The article, “Neurodevelopmental Outcomes of Extremely Preterm Infants Fed Donor Milk or Preterm Infant Formula: A Randomized Clinical Trial,” responds to the question: “Among extremely preterm infants fed minimal maternal milk, does feeding of donor human milk compared with preterm formula during the birth hospitalization result in improved neurodevelopmental outcomes?”

Dr. Colaizy is a world expert on neonatal breast milk research and currently leads the Mother's Milk Bank of Iowa as its Medical Director, and the Human Milk Banking Association of North America as its Research Director. She delivered a presentation about the original investigation last year as part of the UI Frontiers in Pediatric Research Lecture Series.

Listen to Dr. Colaizy's presentation.

Read the JAMA article.



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