Resources for Health Care Providers
From the American Academy of Pediatrics…
"Talking to and Supporting Children During a Pandemic"
This webinar discusses effective communication strategies for clinicians and ways to talk to and support children during the COVID-19 pandemic. Strategies to help parents communicate with their children are also included.
David J. Schonfeld, MD, FAAP, delivers the presentation. He is a developmental and behavioral pediatrician, and Director, National Center for School Crisis and Bereavement Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. Dr. Schonfeld also serves as Executive Committee Member, AAP Council on Disaster Preparedness and Recovery.
From NPR’s Goats and Soda…
Looking for a resource to help children who may be worrying about the new coronavirus? Or those who may be confused by all the recent changes in their daily routines?
Malaka Gharib is deputy editor and digital strategist of Goats and Soda, NPR’s global health and development blog. She created this great comic on COVID-19, "Just For Kids: A Comic Exploring the New Coronavirus." Share widely!
From Little Puddins, The Autism Educator website…
The social story, “What Is the Coronavirus,” was created to help children learn more about COVID-19 to be able to deal with the fear and anxiety they may be feeling. Good for early readers and children with autism. The booklet can be downloaded at no cost. Share widely!
Plain Language Booklet on Coronavirus...
Green Mountain Self-Advocates created a plain language, easy-to-read booklet about the Coronavirus. Green Mountain Self-Advocates is a partner of SARTAC, the Self Advocacy Resource and Technical Assistance Center. The booklet was written by and for people with developmental disabilities. It focuses on “need to know” information to help people with disabilities stay healthy during this national crisis. Share widely: