EPSDT "Care for Kids"
Spring 2025 Issue Published!
This year’s spring issue of the "Care for Kids" newsletter has just been published. It features a lead article by a “blended” team of Center for Disabilities and Development (CDD) staff. CDD psychologist, Jillian Reiher, UCEDD program manager and employment specialist, Judy Warth, and CDD social worker, Sally Rieck, collaborated on the article, “Intellectual Disability: Diagnosis, Support, Waivers, and Transitioning to Adult Care.” In the article, they focus on a variety of topics, such as testing and diagnosis, interventions and support, and healthcare and advocacy.
Read the Spring 2025 issue of the newsletter.
Publication Schedule
Iowa's EPSDT program publishes its "Care for Kids" newsletter three times a year, as a collaborative effort of the:
- Iowa Department of Health and Human Services, Iowa Medicaid
- University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, Center for Disabilities and Development
Iowa EPSDT will continue to print and mail the newsletter, and a new electronic version will be available by email soon. Use the sign-up form at the bottom of this page to subscribe.
Reprint Policy
You are welcome to print out and share copies of the EPSDT newsletter or material from the newsletter with others. If you wish to reprint newsletter material in another publication, whether print or electronic, please get in touch with Michelle Johnston at michelle-johnston@uiowa.edu for permission.
Volumes 31 to 21
Click on the links below to access a printable copy of any of the available issues. For questions or for more information about newsletter articles, please get in touch with Michelle Johnston at michelle-johnston@uiowa.edu.
322025 issues.
312024 issues.
302023 issues.
292022 issues.
282021 issues.
272020 issues.
262019 issues.
252018 issues.
242017 issues.
232016 issues.
222015 issues.
212014 issues.
Subscribe Now!
Iowa EPSDT plans to develop an electronic version Care for Kids newsletter. However, we will continue to print and mail the hard copy version three times a year.
Use the sign-up form at the bottom of this page to subscribe Iowa EPSDT Care for Kids.
Newsletter Archive
Find links to issues of the EPSDT Care for Kids newsletter published prior to 2014 on our new EPSDT Newsletter Archive page.
Our website is searchable!
The Newsletter Archive includes a list of all newsletter articles by title, author and keyword to help you search our website. You can also use the "Search" feature at the bottom of each webapge.
Staff & Editorial Board
Newsletter Staff
- Executive Editor: Temitope Awelewa, MBChB, MPH
- Production Editor: Lesly Huffman
- Graphics Editor: Leigh Bradford
- Webmaster: Meredith Field
Editorial Board
- Elizabeth Cramer, MD
- Tashina Hornaday
- Nadin Mustafa, LMSW
- Michelle Johnston
- Amy Chebuhar
Website Accessibility
Iowa EPSDT is committed to making our information and materials accessible to everyone.
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