Category Archives: Iowa Medicaid

What’s New?

Randomized Clinical Trial Compares Feeding of Donor Human Milk and Preterm Formula to Extremely Preterm Infants Tarah Colaizy, MD, MPH, a neonatologist at University of Iowa Health Care Stead Family Children’s Hospital, co-authored an article in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). The article, “Neurodevelopmental Outcomes of Extremely Preterm Infants Fed Donor Milk…
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Iowa Medicaid COVID-19 “Unwinding”

Medicaid Unwinding information and resources for providers and patients All Medicaid members must renew their Medicaid coverage There are two parts of the Iowa Medicaid COVID-19 “unwinding” process: the continuous coverage "unwind," which began in February of this year, and the end of the public health emergency (PHE), which took place on May 11. During…
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Iowa EPSDT Care for Kids Program Has a Newly Revised Periodicity Schedule

EPSDT Care for Kids is Iowa’s federally mandated Medicaid program for kids. The Periodicity Schedule serves as the core of Iowa's EPSDT program. It gives health care providers a regular schedule for visits and screenings to assure the physical, mental, social, emotional and behavioral health of children from birth to age 21. An article about…
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