Transition from High School and Special Education to Adult Life... An article on the transition from high school and special education to adult life was published by the Child Adolescent Psychiatry Clinics of North America. Written by Lee Ascherman, MD, MPH, and Julia Shaftel, PhD, “Facilitating Transition from High School and Special Education to Adult Life:…
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Strategies to Improve HPV Vaccination Rates
Care for Kids Newsletter Volume 24. Number 2. Spring 2017. The Spring 2017 issue of Care for Kids, the newsletter of Iowa's EPSDT program, has been archived and is available on this website. This issue features the article, Strategies to Improve HPV Vaccination Rates, by Meredith Fishbone-Gordon, MD. Dr. Fishbane-Gordon shares a series of strategies that have proven successful in boosting HPV immunization…
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