Transition Planning
Got Transition?
The Got Transition website is an excellent resource for professionals, teens and families. It covers all aspects of transition planning.
Visit Got Transition.
TRANSITION IOWA is a website that provides information and resources that support transition planning for youth with disabilities and their families, and the educators and professionals who support them. The resources encourage high expectations for all students as they transition to adult life.
Visit the Transition Iowa website.
Adult Health Care
American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)
The AAP recommends that transitioning to adult health care begin at 12 years of age. However, a small percent of youth receive assistance from their health care professionals in planning the transition from pediatric, parent-supervised care to more independent adult care. Read the AAP guidance:
"Supporting the Health Care Transition From Adolescence to Adulthood in the Medical Home"
Pediatrics Clinical Report, November 2018
American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP)
The AAFP joined the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and American College of Physicians (ACP) in updating the joint clinical report, "Supporting the Health Care Transition from Adolescence to Adulthood in the Medical Home," which calls on clinicians to establish a structured process to ensure a planned transition from pediatric to adult health care as part of routine care for adolescents and young adults.
Online Health Provider Training Modules
Disability-related training
A series of six online videos, “Assuring Access to Quality Health Care for Persons with Disabilities,” features the perspectives of people with disabilities, family members, and health care professionals. They offer practical advice based on their years of experience with the health care system.
The video on transition from pediatric to adult health care offers a view of the shift from pediatric to adult health care through the eyes of an adolescent with Down syndrome and her mother.. Watch "Transitioning to Adult Health Care for Youth with Intellectual Disabilities"